A couple of weeks ago, I was going to a WI family reunion. We were discussing the reunion with some cousins and one of them suggested I run the Racine Lighthouse 4 mile run. The race holds a special place in my heart for sentimental reasons, so I agreed. I went 2 hours out of my way, requiring an extra Amtrak ride, but I did run the race.
I was disappointed in my performance. My time was a full minute slower than the last time I ran the race, when I felt so terrible it tipped me off that I was pregnant. It was warmer this year, but I started out too slow and never made up the time.
Oddly enough, this year I managed to place fourth in my age group, and I received a medal in the mail. I have to admit a little hardware makes me feel a little bit better about my performance. Does that make me shallow?